The Missing Touch. At a time, a star high above all of the others were overwhelmed by the beauty all around it. It shed a tear, and the teardrop fell straight down and was clear as a crystal. The teardrop had no edges, no sharp points, sides or corners on…

The holding hand is brought to life, when I lie on the ground and my only focus is to inhale and exhale, while I warm my heart and stomach with my hands. When I hold my hands on the same direct spot for a while, it feels like I’m hugging…

The Crack of Light will forever be a searcher. Wandering the dark surface of earth and finding cracks from beneath and above. Crack of light is stimulating the good and hopeful in all earthly creatures. Through a contrast of darkness he finds light and advocates others to approach it while…

Sister Hope Home is a few days away and we are curious about our inhabitation exploring the poetic and sensuous modes of being and being together. Our aesthetic inhabitation will be driven by a curiosity of exploring the collective wisdom and intuition. The past year has introduced us to and…

In the past year, I fell in future love. A single kiss travelled across time and space to land between us. Future familiarities so unexpected, it took my breath away. In that moment, my mind and heart were flooded with future memories, myriad physical, erotic entanglements, uncontainable laughter, arguments over…

Leaf found himself having been born. With a memory. Of wind and soil. From the wind, his sisters and brothers whispered to him. From the soil, they sang. Leaf’s nerves were roots, his roots nerves. He grew into his world. Seven years passed. Someone died. Leaf bent inwards. A mist…

Today, RED THREAD SHED. B O N D S … be embodied a Bumblebeeing

° ° . An Alluviation of words ° unspoken ° ° I rive you . . if you let me ° ° and compose the sound of decay ° ° ° so you ° can spring . . . . . . TIMER

And today I dress my body green.  – Spread myself horizontal, between poles. Drawing in and in and in. re-cover-ing as an act of letting go to carry nothing and drink the flat silence into my toes.  – I tell you no.  – Fire (no longer spreading)

Will you hold a space for me?Will you welcome me homeat the end of a long dayif I come bringing painor shining with joywith cleansing waterwith your familiar scentwith your deep embracewill you carry meover the thresholdto a space where I can breathe? Will you breathe life into me?Will you…