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Sisters Staff

Caught by longing for the future to be met for some fleeting reason Not such a wise thing to do Knowing That when it is reached it will be at its own end . Yes, the present lived sometimes wished to be stagnant drenched in beautiful soft scent . Would…

  Would you spit the pit of a watermelon to let it sprout or swallow it whole and hope that from the inside it will grow?   Such a sweet day-delight or served on air of those endless nights utterly grateful for this red flesh that is melting like snow…

Give me  Fire                                                  Water it spreads because it can  . A burning hand that stay persistent  to hold if you are ever in need

    Suddenly a pebble got caught in the corner of the eye The eye squinted and saw a mountain

a little piece left of white debranded sweets coated with pink  sprinkled with seeds savoured maybe I would have picked dark but you choose to gift light bit by bit I lit

归家是否需要一个理由   归家是否需要一个理由 证明,事件,发生 特定的情感可否被合理化   在熟悉的地点感到陌生 信号,语言,身份 出乡入乡随俗 是否简单如跨过山丘   在陌生的海洋感到熟悉 交通,艳阳,自由 入乡出乡迁徙 是否孤独如千军万马   归家是否需要一个理由 像是尽我所能 离开若能如风 一盏茶 会否凉得慢些 成为归家的一个理由  

It’s in my hair, in my head and mouth it shortens my breath It’s under my tongue and in-between my teeth it wraps around their roots It’s behind my eyes and around my eyeballs it fills my under-eyes like tiny sacks I tightly close my eyes and squeeze them with…

The Egg is Earth. This Connection of Everyone with Lungs. People not afraid of otherworldliness. You are my Sister. My Earthling Sister. Same species. Daughter. Mother. Do you have an age or are you ageless? All elements. Air. Air. Air. Earth. Fire. Water. No fear. Connected. Safe. The sun over…

    water.union magnet.stone.stone ~ water.stone.stone ~ infinity.sun.death infinity.stone.stone seconds A Parenthesis acknowledgement of all those seconds. Burning.Current.Dog.Edge.Effervescence.Fire.Garden.LeafCanopy.Mortal. Nothing.Ocean.Parenthesis.Plasma.Praise.Question.Ryden.Secret. Starlight.TheOneWhoWalks.TheSecret.Tangle.Timer. and ___ and ___ and ___     ∞ Timer

“Do I need to be fed?” the eyes asked the mouth, “Do I need imagery to stay alive?” “Would I starve without food?” the mouth then answered “Have a drink!” the eyes rapidly replied “Then do the same” the mouth said “Soak your glare, let the tears roll down to…