Something inside me – they call it a poetic self – is finally asked to unveil, to show, to develop itself. It has always been there, been part of me, but nobody ever asked it specifically to come to the surface. It is even closer to my true self than…
The Great Invocation From the point of Light in the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into the mind of men; Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men;, Let purpose guide the…
40 beats per minute is a common enough heart rate when asleep. A little low but still normal, especially for a trained though exhausted body. The living heart is in constant motion, not exactly translating and rotating like a planet does, but close enough. This measure can be measured as…
Hey you. I am dancing with the sense of who you are. You are living as memories under my skin, but in this writing moment, I have no idea in what corner of my flesh or bones you are hiding or breathing from. I know that you are there, but…
Approaching through the surface, diving through countless layers of fraudulence in search for something that feels truthful. In search for the intimate. I wish to offer guidance in physical presence. I wish to create the moment when the specific image of the innermost emerges and dissolves with the constant and flows with the current. Within the frame of our…
What is a boarding school? I think it is somewhere you go if you what to learn something What do I have to learn in that school? What is important to learn? What is learning anyways? How can someone ells then me decided for me – what I have…
”In the life of a plant this principle shows itself most conspiciously where the green leaf is hightend into the flower. While progressing from leaf to flower the plant undergoes a decisive ebb in its vitality. Compared with the leaf, the flower is a dying organ. This dying, however, is…
In the beginning of something new you always have a lot of feelings according to the given event. It could be anxiety, joy or wonder. All the feelings and thoughts are rushing around in your body. Maybe you are scared of the changes around you and inside you, you know…
”We donate our flesh to the idea” the Sister says. This sentence keeps rummaging inside me. Making my stomage crumple together. It seems so definitely to donate our flesh, my flesh to the idea. But then I tell myself that it is not just an idea. It is a hope,…