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Visiting Artist/Researcher/Teacher, Sisters Academy #3, The Boarding School, Inkonst, Malmö, Sweden

The Geneva Project is an ongoing multi-disciplinary sensory experience where both the performer and the spectator are immersed in an environment that may be considered a dream space, a conjuring of worlds past, present and future, where time shifts in an instant, where light and dark operate simultaneously revealing the beauty and trauma…

I find a freedom in being But to meet a human, that’s something else I’m nothing more then my surroundings and I play. unforeseen. unselectively. in light. When a sadness swallows me I cry out stilled on a stone all the losts, and nevers, and never agains Till birds and…

The Alien is of the fabric of sound and imagination. Emotion moves him through space. His function is unknown to himself, but gravitation and sensation guides him. He travels towards the original big bang of music and words to explore this planet. The Alien is drawn to color, heat and…

The Green Light is a life affirming personality that can suddenly turn red. That’s how she is reminded of the importance to respect her own and other’s limits. The Listener listens to her own needs and feelings, at the same time as she is silently attentive and curious about all…

I am aware and I see. I teach the art of filmproduction. I enter as the Catalyst. I catalyze the awareness of the essentials and the aestetics.

  The Voice of Gas is moving in a multiple universe. Transcending with stillness in her heart close to earth, giving voice to honesty. The truth is vibrating… Like an animal resonating with water and air, dreaming in a large scale, predicting and watching it all come toghether. The truth…

The time before my stay as a Visiting Researcher stretches vastly before me, millions of sensory experiences and inputs and outputs lie between here and then. I am in my office now, in front of my screen, writing a methods chapter for an article on ideologies of futures, sorting out ideas and concepts,…

The IGNORANT CHOREOGRAPHER – about group dances i dream about and DANCE EMANCIPATION Recently, a friend told me about amusician who writes each instrument separately, as in not in relation to the voices of the other instruments. The person does not know or care about controlling what it will sound…

What is the correspondence between time and light? How do the two connect? And is light love – or just photons? Can time be stopped? If you wonder about those questions, you may want to meet the Angel of Light and Professor Time. From their opposite directions they both seek the truth. Even though…

Our ability to create depends on our ability to imagine. To go beyond what already is. Beyond what we usually call reality – the social constructions and ideas designed by ourselves, that give us a feeling of being safe. Beyond the things we can touch with our skin, see with our eyes,…