During the two weeks at Sisters Academy my alter ego will be The Spider. I stand for structure, organization and patterns. I am creative (the cobweb), quite private and good at writing and getting things done (eight legs). I can sometimes be almost invisible but my work is visible and effective.
I am a teacher in Swedish and Swedish as a second language. English is not my favorite language, but I know that it is a necessary tool for communication. If the parallell universe we now will be a part of in fact was our real everyday universe I am not sure that English would be the dominant language…
During the two weeks at Sisters Academy I will have two lessons in Swedish and Swedish as a second language. The lessons will be held in Swedish. We will have an “opening ritual” – It is now ok to talk Swedish, and a “closing ritual” – Now we talk English again. It’s a good solution to the “problem” that my job in fact is to grade the students in Swedish.
During my lessons in Swedish the students will write an argumentative text (second lesson) and they will draw/paint their opinion (first lesson). Their drawings will be used as front pages to their texts. It’s nice to have a plan for my lessons, but I feel quite alone in my planning. I often ask myself “How do I make my lessons more sensuous?” and “Who can give me the guidance that I need to became a teacher in the parallell universe?”. I think both I and my colleagues need help to think outside the box. We are trapped in this universe.
I am really looking forward to be a part of Sisters Acadamy. I am longing for more structure, tranquillity and more time for reflection. I think Sisters Academy can give me that.
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