Sisters Sensing (The World) – Brazil – The Sister

Green hands.
The Egg travels through my skin.
Water and urin.
An Entourage. Because of security.
Grateful. Always.
Got a blessing. Was told by the warmest of eyes that I had big vital energy. And he cast a blessing on me that his fathers, his gods, would always protect me.
Sensed it. My heart sang.
The red orixá – represents wind. Air. The Egg is Air.
The city.
Really the city. So many people. Where to start – Air by Air – then Infinity – then many – as it says in the Sensuous Society Manifesto.
No fear on the walk. Despite the danger.
The entourage. Seen through the eyes of an entourage, as I wish to just walk on my own and meet you.
and meet you.
and meet you.
and meet you.
and meet you.
and meet you.

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