Two beautiful editions of bronze totems
We are excited to release a limited series of Egg Totems: Egg Totem Life & Egg Totem Death. Both editions are casted in pure and massive bronze. The Egg Totem Life is casted from the size of a chicken egg and the Egg Totem Death from ostrich egg with a whole weight of 13 kilos. Always a special symbol to the Sensuous Society we are happy to make these totems of the sensuous and poetic available to the world.

The Egg Totem Life is released in a limited edition of 40 and the Egg Totem Death is released in a limited edition of 5. Each individual totem is engraved with an individual symbol from Sisters Hope’s unique number-system. The Egg Totem Life is priced at 3.000 dkk and the Egg Totem Death is prized at 19.000 dkk. The Egg Totem Life can be purchased through this link. The Egg Totem Death is solely available through special agreement. Please reach out to us at

Purchasing an egg totem is also a chance to support the work of Sisters Hope, a continued life for future Poetic Selves and carving paths towards a Sensuous Society.

During the process of acquiring your Egg Totem we will ask you the following questions:

  • In which environment will your Egg Totem live?
  • How is your Egg Totem linked to your Poetic Self?
  • What is your dream for a future Sensuous Society?

The Egg totem will be hand-delivered to you at Sisters Hope Home by special agreement or shipped.

We look very much forward to release the Egg Totems and let them travel out into the world – to new homes.

The Egg Totem Life can be purchased through this link.

Six European partners work together on the central question: How can a sensory approach and an artistic attitude contribute to an education that leads to a more connected and sustainable world? Through artistic interventions and workshops, we want to demonstrate that this approach can and should become the heart of all education.

Adopting a sensuous and artistic attitude is joyous and rewarding for everyone involved. It has a profound and lasting impact on the individual level. Moreover, it is conducive for deep learning and can align with the regular school curriculum.

SenseSquared will demonstrate that this new approach:

  • isn’t difficult to understand and apply,
  • can gradually be integrated into the existing school system and the actual curriculum,
  • has a profound positive impact on children-teachers interaction,
  • deeply and intuitively connects with the humanity of teachers and children,
  • contributes substantially to the intrinsic motivation and joy of learning.

SenseSquared proposes a hands-on approach from the very start, with exercises, contexts, tools and kits that are very easy to pick up, and immediately challenge the existing formats.

SenseSquared is a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE), Companhia de Música Teatral (PT), Marres, House for Contemporary Culture (NL), Sisters Hope (DK), Stavanger University (NO) and Maastricht University (NL).




Developing the concept of Sensuous Reading in collaboration with Hillerød Bibliotekerne in the project: Sunde læsefællesskaber for udsatte borgere 2022–2023

Sisters Hope have engaged in a long-term strategic collaboration with The Danish Cultural Institute titled Sensuous Society – Beyond Economic Rationality. The project will explore sensuousness across continents and explore connectedness beyond cultural bounderies. Furthermore the project will promote Sisters Hopes performance practice internationally. As such we will also unfold and explore our unique performance method and the concept of Sensuous Learning in a variety of different global contexts, and plant seeds for potential new and more sustainable approaches to life in times of crisis.

From 2024-25 the project will manifest as as series of global sensuous walks across continents. In the spring; Beijing, China, in the winter; Sao Paulo, Brazil. Hereafter; Mumbai, India, the Baltic Countries, Ukraine and Turkey.

Planned iterations:
Sisters Sensing – China: April 2024
Sisters Sensing – Brazil: January 2025
Sisters Sensing – India: tba 2025