Inhabitation Magnet is a performance by Sisters Hope in which we invite everyone interested to move in and inhabit the Sensuous Society with us in our home – Sisters Hope Home – in the outskirts of Copenhagen.

The participants, who will be named inhabitants, are invited to take part in a series of deep journeys exploring the poetic layers of our being and being together while inhabiting the art piece. During the stay the inhabitants will cook, eat, sleep and live close together with us in a potential future world – Sensuous Society – where everything is based on the principles of the sensuous and poetic. Out of our current ecological, economic and biological crises, a new society has emerged, a fundamental paradigm shift, which the performance has as its starting point. Through rituals, performative exercises and domestic life in Sisters Hope Home the inhabitants will investigate new ways of inhabiting the sensuous and poetic together with the Sisters staff. The performance is rooted in our current artistic research on how inhabitation of the sensuous and poetic evokes a lived experience and an understanding of the ecologic connectedness of everything.

Pratical information
– After you have bought a ticket you will receive a welcoming letter with additional information sent to your email. Please read this letter carefully.
– Please be aware of your individual check-in time. The check-out time is before lunch on the following day.
– It is not possible to bring or use digital devises during your stay.
– You will be served vegetarian meals during your stay.
– Please follow the instructions in the welcoming letter on what to wear and bring on arrival.
– Location: Charlottegårdsvej 1a in Hedehusene.

Open call for Visiting Inhabitants
Credit List


Inhabitation Life is a performance by Sisters Hope in which we invite everyone interested to move in and inhabit the Sensuous Society with us in our home – Sisters Hope Home – in the outskirts of Copenhagen.

The participants, who will be named inhabitants, are invited to take part in a series of deep journeys exploring the poetic layers of our being and being together while inhabiting the art piece. During the stay the inhabitants will cook, eat, sleep and live close together with us in a potential future world – Sensuous Society – where everything is based on the principles of the sensuous and poetic. Out of our current ecological, economic and biological crises, a new society has emerged, a fundamental paradigm shift, which the performance has as its starting point. Through rituals, performative exercises and domestic life in Sisters Hope Home the inhabitants will investigate new ways of inhabiting the sensuous and poetic together with the Sisters staff. The performance is rooted in our current artistic research on how inhabitation of the sensuous and poetic evokes a lived experience and an understanding of the ecologic connectedness of everything.

Pratical information
– After you have bought a ticket you will receive a welcoming letter with additional information sent to your email. Please read this letter carefully.
– Please be aware of your individual check-in time. The check-out time is before lunch on the following day.
– It is not possible to bring or use digital devises during your stay.
– You will be served vegetarian meals during your stay.
– Please follow the instructions in the welcoming letter on what to wear and bring on arrival.
– Location: Charlottegårdsvej 1a in Hedehusene.

Credit list here
Open call for Visiting Inhabitants



At your arrival at Sisters Hope Home, you will be greeted by a Sisters Staff who will introduce you into the ways of the Home. After the initiation the space is open and available for your explorations, and for what you and your co-inhabitants bring into the shared space. You will cook, eat, sleep, and live together – but the path of each individual inhabitant is not predetermined. You will be able to move about in the space without fixed objectives. As such you should not expect a strongly facilitated experience. Instead, your journey inside Sisters Hope Home will be dependent on what you contribute to the experience. You might want to immerse yourself in contemplation. You might want to engage in deep conversation with the other inhabitants. Or you might want to join a performative ritual performed by the Sisters Staff or offer one yourself.

Throughout your stay the Sisters Staff will be present to help and guide you on your journey.

Practical information

– After you have bought a ticket, you will receive a welcoming letter with additional information and check-in time sent to your email. Please read this letter carefully.
– Please be aware of your individual check-in time. The check-out time is the following day before lunch.
– It is not possible to bring or use digital devices during your stay.
– You will be served vegetarian meals during your stay.

Please be mindful that Flowing Inhabitation is not facilitated as strongly as our other performative formats. This format is instead a chance for you to visit or to revisit the Sensuous Society in a more open and explorative manner.


Open call for Visiting Inhabitatants:
Credits here


We are thrilled to announce that National Gallery of Denmark has invited us to host one of their popular SMK Fridays. During this special evening we will open cracks to the Sensuous Society and evoke peepholes into more sensuous and poetic modes of being. All to give the guests a small taste of our distinct performance methods and universe exploring a new artistic paradigm which we term Inhabitation. At the National Gallery we will unfold extracted elements such as poetic interactions, a program with talks and music, film screenings and tours by SMK art guides. This will happen alongside the usual festive atmosphere of SMK Fridays with food and drinks. Please come and celebrate and shed light with us.

November 17 from 16.00 – 22.00
More info here

Program: here

Credit list can be found here

Sisters Sensing (the World) will unfold as a series of performative walks in seven countries across the continents of Europe, Asia, and South America. The project is intended as a long-term strategic development cooperation between Sisters Hope and the Danish Cultural Institute with the intention to explore a potential Sensuous Society in a variety of contexts, listen loud  and research and manifest connectivity beyond borders. The first walk was manifested in China in 2024 and the second walk will happen in Brazil in January 2025. Then the project will move on to India, the Baltic and Georgia.

The walks will each be 12 hours with ritualistic and contextual stops every hour, which will be live-streamed globally through a media platform. The walks are manifesting in collaboration with the Copenhagen-based festival Metropolis, who initiated this format during the Covid19 pandemic. The walks are born out of an intention to manifest regeneration in the wake of crises through active embodied listening to lands.

The walk in Brazil will be organized in collaboration with the local partner SESC and the walk will end with a public manifestation of our Poetic Self Exercise in the gallery. Also a Artist Talk on January 24 and a Poetic Workshop on January 28 will be part of the project.

Credit list

Sisters Sensing (the World) will unfold as a series of performative walks in seven countries across the continents of Europe, Asia, and South America. The project is intended as a long-term strategic development cooperation between Sisters Hope and the Danish Cultural Institute with the intention to explore a potential Sensuous Society in a variety of contexts, listen loud  and research and manifest connectivity beyond borders. The first walk will take part in China in 2024 and then move on to India, Brazil, the Baltic countries and Ukraine.

The walks will each be 12 hours with ritualistic and contextual stops every hour, which will be live-streamed globally through a media platform. The walks are manifesting in collaboration with the Copenhagen-based festival Metropolis, who initiated this format during the Covid19 pandemic. The walks are born out of an intention to manifest regeneration in the wake of crises through active embodied listening to lands.

The walk in China was organized in collaboration with the contemporary Aranya Art Center and the walk ended with a public manifestation of our Poetic Self Exercise in the gallery.


At your arrival at Sisters Hope Home, you will be greeted by a Sisters Staff who will introduce you into the ways of the Home. After the initiation the space is open and available for your explorations, and for what you and your co-inhabitants bring into the shared space. You will cook, eat, sleep, and live together – but the path of each individual inhabitant is not predetermined. You will be able to move about in the space without fixed objectives. As such you should not expect a strongly facilitated experience. Instead, your journey inside Sisters Hope Home will be dependent on what you contribute to the experience. You might want to immerse yourself in contemplation. You might want to engage in deep conversation with the other inhabitants. Or you might want to join a performative ritual performed by the Sisters Staff or offer one yourself.

Throughout your stay the Sisters Staff will be present to help and guide you on your journey.

Practical information

– After you have bought a ticket, you will receive a welcoming letter with additional information and check-in time sent to your email. Please read this letter carefully.
– Please be aware of your individual check-in time. The check-out time is the following day before lunch.
– It is not possible to bring or use digital devices during your stay.
– You will be served vegetarian meals during your stay.

Please be mindful that Flowing Inhabitation is not facilitated as strongly as our other performative formats. This format is instead a chance for you to visit or to revisit the Sensuous Society in a more open and explorative manner.

Credits here


Inhabitation is a new performance by Sisters Hope in which we invite everyone interested to move in and inhabit the Sensuous Society with us in our new home – Sisters Hope Home – in the outskirts of Copenhagen. Tickets have just been released!

The participants, who will be named inhabitants, are invited to take part in a series of deep journeys exploring the poetic layers of our being and being together while inhabiting the art piece. During the stay the inhabitants will cook, eat, sleep and live close together with us in a potential future world – Sensuous Society – where everything is based on the principles of the sensuous and poetic. Out of our current ecological, economic and biological crises, a new society has emerged, a fundamental paradigm shift, which the performance has as its starting point. Through rituals, performative exercises and domestic life in Sisters Hope Home the inhabitants will investigate new ways of inhabiting the sensuous and poetic together with the Sisters staff. The performance is rooted in our current artistic research on how inhabitation of the sensuous and poetic evokes a lived experience and an understanding of the ecologic connectedness of everything.

See credits here

For the forth year , Sisters Hope will workshop at VKR (Vardes kulturelle rygsæk) in March of 2020. VKR is an initiative for children and adolescence between the age of 15 and 16, and the intention is to introduce them to different artistic and cultural genres. Here, we will introduce all 8th graders in Varde Municipality to our method.