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Student, Sisters Academy #01 at HF & VUC FYN, FLOW, Odense, Denmark

When I think back at my time at Sisters Academy, 3 things comes to my mind. The first thing is about learning. The Sisters Academy was an educational experiment, to see if students could learn more in another environment. I think my conclusion must be, that people are learning in…

Three words – it is all it takes to describe what Sisters Academy was for me, what it did to me and why i find it very important! – Word 1. INTENSE Word 2. PROVOCATIVE Word 3. CALM Why these words? Keep Reading.   Intense I have in two weeks been…

Written 5 or 6 March. (I hope you understand my writing errors)   — We need to change the way our kids learn! A full day school would help, our kids´ can´t compet whit the world!   First of all, why? Why is it so, so important to compete? I…

I chose my speech not to be very long because its more like a rhetorical conclusion and it doesn’t have to be long when its only supposed to make you question these two weeks: “In this universe you get so many impressions. So many things that makes you wonder. It…

Today my class and I where going to make a Dinner for the performers at Sisters. Well, we were all by our selves (Our teacher had a sick child) and we should plan WHAT the performers were going to eat, and HOW we should serve and present it. Last time…

today in music we were given the assignment to draw the form of a classical piece, first we listened and drew whatever came to mind and after that we had to listen to it again but this time try to draw a form for the music that we listened to.…