anything goes






Eyes and Hearts and Bones and Stones

beating breathing bursting battering bulging bold beauty


in the Body of Home






What is happening?


diving into the (w)hole

Tunnels under tables



caves and bats

a moles way

searching for that



What is happening?



Once I wrote a letter

but was it me or you?

how do you do

to let me though



Would you hold me?

and speak life lettered ways

 I will hold you

the way that I can


and sometimes in a blob

which is another

natural way



Would you go to the bank


what is you core?

Will you drink my sore toes?

will you do what I say

will you wait and see were it goes?



Tie me up

rope me down

into white cotton cheeks

strengthening where it lies


Let me fall into your arms

from the sky into your palms

push me gently

sway me with charm



Scent me your air

lead me by stings

sing me a tune

remind me

how to breathe


are you alive?




show me!


Show me the bones that sings the loudest

those shimmering

exquisite bones

well polished

fruitfully lived

berry or granny

or other fruits or things


I saw you floating


Like regents in a realm

you were longingly looking into the night’s sky

together with a black blind eye




Now you might ask,

what kind of furniture you are?

and what showers your mind?

step onto back

and with gratitude

let go of your mind




wash my hands

clay my face

bathe me in ice

wax me

painfully beautifully

sweet and strong


and we laugh

and play games



one last time

(I)(do) will



We danced

holding eyes

melting into the kitchen ground

with old mouldy moulds

long stories told


Vex me with trivial matter

so I can learn your chaotic pattern

push me harder

so I can let kindness in

teach me

so I can be stronger

I am at your will


I will bleed for you


and plot a collectively nap

I hear

your breath and mine

silently sing



Black body body black

the body attached

rolling into hungry eyes

leaning into warm arms

comfort connection co-creation

cocooning in plain sight

minds moulding

roving lands


is air




and sometimes we try too hard

and all turn blue

or into greenish gue




beyond doorways

exceeding bleeding legs and gums

puncturing holes


with straws

sharp as knives


and yes, they feast



she always shows up

that creature of yours


New peas and beans appear

with flowing turtles

inviting your face

to feel lucky to have such an extraordinary friend

and waves of plasmatic flames and (w)holes

in liquid pending air-times

un-names the mortals only skins

 with a zschraak


and in a red red hallway

blue time dissolved

into a known song

bright and dark



Opening  mouths to bite

show the tongue

clean the teeth

vibrate the cords

to name

and images saved

lying on leaves

sweating cold cold feet


we do

we eat


in silence




Now read me a poem

write one of your own




Anything goes,




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