I am a shell, move through me
salty, lukewarm, sort of slimy
(something sweet that is also slightly disgusting, like an old peppermint candy that has melted into the paper)
the whale is drawn to deficiency, means: will choose the bed that doesn’t have a pillow, the lover that doesn’t have a heart. does not have teeth but might borrow yours from time to time
I’ll let my fingers glide on the holes on the wall
obsessed with the space your absence occupies
{tears have a familiar taste but I don’t always remember when I cry}
the whale says they do not want to be remembered
I am here to remind you: there is a hollow space inside of you and sometimes no one will hear your voice
but it’s okay
there will always be a hand to hold you in the dark
we are all bubbles of the same dark, darker even. breathe
do you know the light that shimmers when the sun hits the surface of the water? that’s my obsession.
you’ve been there and you know that nothing comes after it, but you’re still mesmerized anyway
keep the mystery alive. like an old person seeing with the eyes of a child, again
obsession: nothing. I am you. keep breathing.
(don’t focus too much on the words)
I will love you because you were not the right person, because you were just standing there. because you didn’t say the right thing.
I am here to remind you that nothing is permanent and home is a constant struggle
the hollow space is your home within you
now I will say it again: I don’t want to be remembered.
please respect my will.
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