15th-17th of september. Voice of Gas as Visiting Artist/Teacher/Researcher.
It was a touching experience. A discovering experience. A wakening up experience.
A strong reminder about how you really learn so many things with and through your senses, and through expressing and communicating yourself.
Curiosity, kindness and LOVE. Thank you all of you making this possible!
Voice of Gas now transformed to a Universal beeing since the end of september and has continued her path of listening to the music of space and opening her heart for light and love and for 5D and creating in the creation and creating together with creation. So from her view this experience has multiplied her vibrations and she is embracing the endless inspiration given by all people she met.
Two main traces appeared: Meetings and Teachings
First trace was the flow of meeting with others. It was a stream of open, honest and sharing meetings happening for me. Rare to have so many meetings in just 2 days. You realize how somewhat mechanical we live our ”daily urban” lifes.
In the morning gathering we did an theatrical basic exercise, walking around the room and having different instructions. In one moment I sat and looked into a mans face, a total stranger, his dark eyes were like fire yet very withdrawn…we both tried to follow through to get more and more naked to let our faces drop our different masques and shields. Suddenly I had to cough.We started to laugh our heads off. It was so funny…we could not stop laughing…this trying and at the same time immidiate contact of just beeing friends directly. One woman sat in front of me at dinner, she had an important work in the art world, she said to me with open honest tears I don’t know who I am. A young man, dancer and filmer made a really strong impact on me, he just said to me; I just get happy when I am around you. It was so mutal. When I write this, it is clinging bells around me, like sweet music. And there was more more more…. one wonderful teacher from Malmö who told me that she had a problem with sounding very loud on a lesson, and that she didn’t really know why she felt like that and we talked about the vocal taboos in our societies.
Second trace was the choice to ”just” teach, don’t go to classes, and not work with my coming soundpiece. I worked with a lesson with sound and water, and after 2 warm up lessons I reached a start of a clear simple form for what I felt was the core in what I could do in 1h lesson.
1. A short voice warm up where they felt their voice vibrating in their bodies. 2. Then let the them sense their chi (which I call ”hara”) 2 ½ finger down below under the bellybutton, our energycenter, an empty space that is held by 4 elipses. 3. Then take them through a simple voice meditation through the chakras. 4.Then playing with making sounds in water to feel the water and connect them with water in themselves and water everywhere, (our vibrations are mirroring in the water). 5.Then show them how easy it is to connect and communicate with water by simply asking the water questions. 6. I was astound how easy the last two people could relate and feel this very naturally, and how clear answers we got all of us who asked. 7. I recall one person that absolutely did not get in to nothing of this i presented up here, but loved to walk with my waterglass balancing on his head.
I also had much loving confirmation in some of the other visiting artists and Flow suggested that we should do something together which ended up in a water sound party in the shower, we were around 5-6 people floating testing out sounds of water, throwing wet towels on the walls, using splashing sounds hands on wet floor, singing in the glass of water…It was so fun!!!!!Made you long for big big deep containers filled with water to make deep deep bassy watersounds…We are water!
1. My lab: I had a simple old zink bowl, used for washing and yoga mats and some glasses. 2. This is Flow when she tested out sounding in water together with water.
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