We long for
- A moment when our contours are dissolved and becomes part of everything and everyone
- Body more than mind
- A place to feel togetherness
- A place without mingling, without conversation, without prestige
- A church without religion
- A pause filled with all hours we lived through, where time doesn’t exist
- Simplicity
- Repetition
- To acknowledge the magic in our actual reality
- To explore together, expand our boundaries, open and vulnerable, and for the awkwardness that can arise in those moments to be recognized as something beautiful and interesting
- Focus on the senses, activate them more to stay present
- A space where space is and where gender is beyond space – where it doesn’t matter
- Explore different ceremonies, – already existing ones, and new ones
- Support and togetherness
- To feel connected
- Tranquility
- Comfort and worship
- Rituals alone and together
to reach all that we long for
/no names yet
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