Cultural policies in the Nordics

Sisters Hope has been invited to a salon at the Swedish Embassy in Copehagen. The agenda is to discuss nordic cultural policies and the launching of a new think tank ‘a/nord/c’. During the evening the question of “If art and creativity make our world bigger, why are the room for…

Kultursalon på Marienborg

Sisters Hope has been invited to the ‘Kultursalon på Marienborg’ August 30th by the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, and the Minister of Culture, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, to discuss the state of art and culture in the wake of COVID-19. Among many important topics we would like to stress the ongoing climate challenge and how art and culture can support a more sustainable future – both in terms of the mental, societal, and environmental ecology.

Fringe Festival

As part of the Danish Arts Foundation’s selection of cases for the ongoing Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year we will present Sensuous Governing which we hope will go on both a national and international tour to explore governance in a world where the sensuous and poetic is highly valued 🥚

Sensuous City

This summer, we will present our expansive performance piece and format Sensuous City.

Sisters Performance Method at Ryslinge Højskole 2022

We are happy to share that we will offer our full time program Sisters Performance Method – Sensuous Learning at Ryslinge Højskole again in the spring 2022.

Call for participation: Visiting Artists/Researchers/Activists – Sensuous City

What is the quality of the sensuous and how can it be explored? How can we create a city as soft as a body? These are some of the questions one could explore whether you seek to respond to this call as a visiting researcher or a visiting artist at our upcoming manifestation: Sisters Hope – Sensuous City

In October 2021 we will open Sisters Hope Home

Sisters Hope Home will take the shape of a 5-year-durational artwork and platform for artistic research. It will be located in Hedehusene in the outskirts of Copenhagen

Our artistic director Gry Worre Hallberg has submitted her PhD dissertation

Our artistic director Gry Worre Hallberg has submitted her PhD dissertation: ‘Sensuous Society – Carving the path towards a sustainable future through aesthetic inhabitation stimulating ecologic connectedness’


In her forthcoming PhD Gry Worre Hallberg coins the term Inhabitation. Inhabitation moves beyond not only spectatorship, but also participation and allows for more permanent access to the sensuous and poetic.

Sensuous Society – Carving the path towards a sustainable future

Gry Worre Hallberg just submitted her PhD titled Sensuous Society – Carving the path towards a sustainable future. In it she explores how her artistic practices stimulate an ecological awareness of connectivity in the participants, which according to the ecological theory presented in the dissertation is pivotal to sustainable transition.…

Sisters Hope’s new platform for Sensuous Learning