Call for Participation, Sisters Academy, Greenland – PSi#21

PSi participation: Call for Participation available here. Participatory options unfolded in the call: Enrole as student at the school to explore new and more sensuous modes of knowledge production. Be engaged as substitute teacher to develop new tools of evoking sensuous modes of knowledge production. Be an artist in residence unfolding your…

In Japan with The Chain Hands

In the far east The Chain Hands Pianist and The I joined together to embark on a poetic journey through the country Japan. Wings spread. Movement moved far away from the North and yet so close. The journey brought them through holy temples, where voices could be heard  through the…

Sisters deep – Words turned into flesh – Where performance art meets literature

In Sisters deep we were invited to intervene with and unfold our universe in the intersection of educational development, research, activism and performance art by the network of history of new literature. We created a sensuous and poetic space to inspire a dialogue on how performance art turns words of…

Sisters Hope taking part in the panel Deltagerinvolverende scenekunst

Sisters Hope took part in the panel ‘Deltagerinvolverende scenekunst’ at Aarhus University, sharing our perspectives on participation and interaction. See video here.

Sisters Academy, Sweden

Sisters Academy in Sweden in collaboration with Inkonst will be realized large-scale and fall in two parts thanks to a generous fond from First part will manifest as a Sisters Academy – The Boarding school of a sensuous society – an immersive, interactive and durational performance-installation at Inkonst in September 2015 where…

Sisters at Art Copenhagen

We were invited to manifest at the largest Scandinavian art fair Art Copenhagen. Meet us as Sisters searching for meaning and the possibility and potential of sensuous, poetic and aesthetic encounters in the white cube. We were in the cube: 19.09.2014: 16 – 18 hours 20.09.2014: 15 – 17 hours…

Sisters Hope in Rijeka, Croatia

Sisters Hope will be traveling to Rijeka, Croatia tomorrow to represent The North Atlantic Cluster, PSi #19 at the Zooming Fluid States festival. PSi (Performance Performance Studies @ NYU International) will be our collaborators for the Sisters Academy (the school of a Sensuous society), Greenland manifestation by Sisters Hope, June…

Sisters Academy, Greenland

Sisters Academy, Greenland Sisters Academy as part of PSi #19 Sisters Hope has been invited to manifest a Sisters Academy in Nuuk, Greenland, as part of  The North Atlantic Cluster at PSi #19 When Sisters Academy manifests in Greenland it will be as a part of Fluid States North within the…

Sisters Hope at Roskilde festival 2014

Sisters Hope (DK) is one of the four international performance groups exploring and activating the initimate and sensuous in the so-called Performance Sense Laboratory at this year’s Roskilde festival. More pictures: Performance Sense Laboratory – Roskilde Festival 2014, day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4. Photos by Diana Lindhardt.   Performance Sense Laboratory…

Sisters Hope and Campingkvinderne at ESOF – Science in the city festival

I de enestående Campingkvinder, som Aalborg Universitet introducerer som oplevelsesrum og katalysator for en ny form for kunst-baseret erkendelse i Carlsberg Byen, for de forventede op til 50.000 deltagere på EuroScience (ESOF) 2014’s seks dages videnskabsfestival Science in the City, vil der være mulighed for at møde søstrene fra Sisters…

Sisters Hope portrait in ARTE (DE/FR)

The French/German TV-channel ARTE is doing a portrait of Sisters Hope and Sisters Academy. We met at the Dome of Visions to talk about our future visions for the arts and educational system. After 5 hours the moved on to talk to teachers and students at the school where the…