Sisters Academy – The Boarding School, Sweden – It is on!

We are much excited to present a flow of images from the process toward ever manifestation of Sisters Academy – The Boarding School. The first part of the Swedish manifestation of Sisters Academy. We transform the cultural venue Inkonst into a landscape of sensuous and poetic light and sound and…

Sisters Academy #2 Greenland, PSi #21 – Fluid States

Sisters Academy #2 unfolded in Greenland, June 2015 as part of PSi #21 – Fluid States. In itself a deconstructed or rather fluid conference allowing the whole world to be in motion. While we exploring new modes of sensuous learning we also connected telematically to the two other North Atlantic…

Sisters Hope at PQ15 – The Prague Quadrennial

Sisters Hope at the Prague Quadrennial PQ15 Sisters Hope was invited to manifest in the Makers space at PQ15. Within the curatorial framing by Rebekka A. Ingimundardottir of recycling an existing piece into a food performance we turned Sisters Academy into a lush sensuous meal with researchers-in-residence and a childs…

Sisters at The Roskilde festival

As the performance-curator of the Roskilde festival and The Sister Gry Worre Hallberg initiated and conducted a new format at this years festival – Performance-Music Dialogues. Read more about this and more in her curatorial statement for Roskilde festival, performance 15 , below. The performance art at Roskilde festival 15…

Sisters Academy #2, Greenland coming up – PSi #21, Fluid States

We will soon travel to Greenland to unfold Sisters Academy #2 as a part of Fluid States North, that operates within the overall framework of Fluid States: Performances of UnKnowing PSi #21/2015 The Sister and staff will yet again intervene into the art institutional frame, as Sisters Academy #2 will…

Sisters Hope at ISPA

We were invited by The Danish Cultural Agency to present our work with Sisters Academy at ISPA | International Society for the Performing Arts 2015 in “SESSION VIII | Bridging: Participation and Empowerment”

Sisters in Glass at SPOR festival

What we saw in-between. ‘Just outside the venue Godsbanen you will find a container made of glass. It will be completely filled with plants. And inside you’ll find The Sister waiting for you… In Sisters In Glass you are invited to an intimate encounter with The Sister in her bedroom-in-between.…

Sisters and Kulturmødet and Kunsthøjskolen

In spring 2015 we did two presentations at one of the most respected cultural educational institutions in Denmark – Kunsthøjskolen in Holbæk. One for the respective staff and students and one as a warm-up meeting for the up-and-coming ‘Kulturmøde‘ (ed. national cultural meeting) at Mors, where we are initiating a…

Sisters/Sensuous sharing our manifest at SMK

Sisters sharing sensuous society manifesto at SMK Fridays. At The National Gallery of Denmark’s esteemed SMK Friday on 17.04 resonating with the large-scale exhibition ‘What’s happening’ on art and activism form the 1960’s and 70’s we shared our vision on a Sensuous society. Future resonating with the past resonating with…

Cantabile 2 and Sisters Hope In Touch

The In Touch Network is a new network created to connect artists that are working with Human Specific Art. Initiated by Cantabile2, who have also invited Sisters Hope into the network. Read more.  

Sisters Seek – InnoCarnival (SE)

Sisters Hope were invited to manifest Sisters seek at the educational conferende InnoCarnival, Sweden. We collected dreams for the future of the educational system from our Archive – Mostly from children**! 2015 – 16 genomför den danska performanceduon ”Sisters Hope” och Inkonst ett gemensamt megaprojekt i gränslandet mellan scenkonst, forskning,…