Mr. Rice & peanuts’ trilogy

Primary matters of concern are the notion of the manifesto as supposedly solid, the triangulation of the works of Mr Rice & peanuts with Yvonne Rainer and Mette Ingvartsen, processing choreography as more/other than virtuosity on stage, i.e. a practice within the expanded choreography.

starting somewhere,
some – where

our research aims at contextualizing the tradition of manifesto in the performing art scene today by processing the manifested works of two icons within the field of choreography.


i want to do this and i don’t want to do that NO that’s not how it’s done.
finding in from another angle, operating in other spirals than the one with a knife.

we ask ourselves; what is the actual place of the formal aspects of a manifesto in a time of movement?

first comes NO – no to what?
(something we don’t want? something we didn’t do?)
no: a word of resistance, resisting as a force to prevent change
what is changing? how? when? where? no to change? no to history?
no to future? no to proposals? no to us? no to you? no to individuality?

requesting methods as well practices in how to attack, penetrate and work with something historical, unknown, solid, more or less holy, printed and yet interchangeable.

new idea popped into head; meditation can be an answer, setting up a frame of outer boundaries to dig deeper and find another access to it. yes? (no?) maybe?

reading through texts, assuming time and positions, diving in, transforming material, examining ideas, shape shifting, finding each others flow again, accumulating immaterial material, being carried away, growing back into context, accepting it and most likely ending up somewhere at the time and date of checking out

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