FUCK FACE of The UnTaMed

I am always behind
I am not prepared enough
I cannot take it easy
I want to be special – but I am not
I am overthinking it
I am not good enough
I am not beautiful enough
I am not smart enough
I am too weak
I am thinking to much

I think too much about myself
And I am not funny enough
I am not strong enough

They dont want me
– I have nothing to give.
I am taking myself to seriouse

Soon they will find out that I have nothing to offer
– and then they will kick me out or leave.

I am to much
I am to loud
I am singing to loud
I am taking up to much space

I am starting too many things – but I am not getting anything done
I think I have it under control – but I don’t have a clue.
I do not have enough knowledge
I am not social enough
I am not a good friend.
I am leaving my friends waiting.
I am not good mom.
I am to much away
I am to selfish
I am going to die alone.

What are the voices that are holding you back?

What is your inner fuck face telling you – to keep you down?

What are holding you back – from living the life you want?

Are you living your own life or the life of the others?

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