Om Sisters Hope
Sisters Hope er en prisvindende performancegruppe og -bevægelse, der arbejder med en grundlæggende ambition om at gøre det sanselige og poetiske tilgængeligt for så mange mennesker som muligt – at ‘demokratisere det æstetiske’. Dette gøres i krydsfeltet mellem kunst, aktivisme, forskning og uddannelse med interaktiv og immersiv performancekunst som metodisk udgangspunkt.
I deres stor-skala performances undersøger de forskellige aspekter af et Sanseligt Samfund – Sensuous Society – En potentiel ny verden der tager den æstetiske dimension som sit udgangspunkt og det organiserende princip. I deres nyskabende flerårige værk Sisters Hope Home, introducerer de et helt nyt kunstparadigme, som de kalder ‘Inhabitation’, eller beboelseskunst, som stimulerer forbundenhed og transitionen mod en mere bæredygtig fremtid. Sisters Hopes kunstneriske leder Gry Worre Hallberg konceptualiserede ‘Inhabitation’ i hendes kunstnerisk forskningsPhD: Sensuous Society – Carving the path towards a sustainable future through aesthetic inhabitation stimulating ecologic connectedness, 2021.

Sisters Hope har udviklet deres egen performance-metode – Sisters Performance Method – Sensuous Learning, som er udgangspunktet for træningen af Sisters Hopes performere, og som der undervises i kunstskoler rundt omkring i verden.
Sisters Hope blev stiftet Gry Worre Hallberg og Anna Lawaetz i 2007. I dag fungerer Sisters Hope som en international gruppe af performere og kreative med forskellig baggrunde, der ledes af kunstnerisk leder Gry Worre Hallberg og administrativ leder Nikolaj Friis Rasmussen.

Sisters Hopes kunstneriske praksis tager udgangspunkt i en vision om et fremtidigt samfund, The Sensuous Society, hvor det sanselige og poetiske danner udgangspunkt for al handlen og interaktion. Her tillægges det sanselige og poetiske den højeste værdi, hvilket er en præmis, som alt er udformet efter. Ud af aktuelle økologiske og økonomiske kriser er et nyt samfund vokset frem, et grundlæggende og værdimæssigt paradigmeskift, som Sisters Hope’s manifestationer har som udgangspunkt.
Sensuous Society Manifesto



THE END IS A NEW BEGINNING In 2008 the financial world cracked, leaving a gap for the new – For the new paradigm to emerge. We regard the crack as a major opportunity.
THE NEW PARADIGM We wish to take this opportunity and support the transition into the new, by living and breed ing in the cracks. From here we move.
THE SENSUOUS SOCIETY We will draw from the aesthetic dimension as a source of inspiration to inform the dawning world – We will call it: The Sensuous Society.
THE SENSUOUS SOCIETY As critical theory has pointed at the economic system has largely governed and dominated Western society since the industrialization, and rational thought has been roaming the tops of unnaturally con structed hierarchies of perception since the Enlighten ment. Rational thought has been our dominating validating principle and economic premises such as efficiency, duty, and discipline have largely dominated everyday life in Western society. They have generally defined our institutions and offered themselves as primary modes of being and being together. However, the governance is not sus tainable as the current ecological and economic crisis points at and it has lead to a fundamental de-enchantment of the life-world of modern (wo)man.
AESTHETIC INTERVENTIONS But its time has come. In opposition to the economic milestone stands the artistic or rather aesthetic. This mode is based on premises such as: phantasy, desire and not at least the sensuous experi ence of and engagement in the world. Artistic output is the quintessence of an ultimate aesthetic mode of being the world. The notion of a sensuous society reshapes the role of art and artistic practice. The exclusive autono mous art system is also a result of the dominance of the economic dimension. Within this autonomous zone the art genius is a celebrated figure, which is conceived as some one with a very special (transcending) intelligence. In a Sensuous Society however, we believe that this will be a more common intelligence – Simply, because we all have this creative potential within us, and if our outset and mode of being in the world is the sensuous, this poten tial will be released. The aesthetic mode of being and being together in the world is something we as humans always have and always will dive into. However, the cur rent exclusiveness of this mode has created a collective longing in the Western world. Like an arm cut of we move forward in the ever-turning efficient wheels of society without noticing the blood floating from our armpits. We need to democratize the aesthetic mode of being to over come the longing and suffering that its general absence outside the art system creates. The aesthetic dimension will serve as a key source of inspiration in the Sensu ous Society. Step by step those engaged in the movement toward the Sensuous Society will make interventions into the societal institutions. They will move from the crack and engage. Ultimately these actions will however not be encapsulated spaces allowing a sensuous mode of being in the world, but will constitute the primary mode itself.
POETIC REVOLUTION The road to the Sensuous society is carved with poetic revolution and poetic revolutionaries taking the necessary interventionist steps.
NO UTOPIA Sensuous Society is no utopia. Sensuous so ciety is a framework to explore the radical idea of the aesthetic dimension, the sensuous and the poetic as the highest values of society. What kind of society would that create?
PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENTS We have no way of answering that question because we have not lived it. What we do have is the possibility to explore it through performance experiments. By putting our flesh to the idea. Embodying future visions to explore what it could be. While we explore we carve the path.
THE SCHOOL OF A SENSUOUS SOCIETY The performance experiment Sisters Academy is one such experiment. In Sis ters Academy we embody the school of a sensuous society. Through immersive strategies we transform space as we take over the leadership of a series of Nordic upper secondary schools. Everything from classrooms, hallways and bathrooms is transformed physically through set-, light-, and sound-design. Your toilets will be pink, radiant or dark and filled with a low sound of humming or screams, the class rooms have turned into a forest, a ritual room, an ancient library, underneath the water, a fox cave and when you approach the leader of the school you will meet us embodying the unheimliche Sisters as head mistresses. Gazes exchanged. We will greet you in an office of untamed animals, sweet heavy deep drinks, stamps, type writers, fluid chocolate and gold, chains, unwritten letters, fur on top of fur, fur in piles, red carpets, dimmed light, an unseen boarder that you sense, that you penetrate. That you penetrate because you are invited to. We be come one. But two. But three. But many. A scent of times beyond time that will transcend your skin and tactilely touch you. Inspire you. Intervene you. Mirror you. Be you. Breath. The paradox of control and lush. The meth od is interactive. When you are at our school you are a student or a teacher or a guest of Sisters Academy and we and our staff will engage with you only from this simple premise. The logic of our world. Our poetic and sensuous world. Our school of a sensuous society. Our school where we explore new modes of sensuous knowledge creation, teaching, learning. When we change our educational system we change the lives of many. We reach our. The road to a Sensuous society is carved with poetic revolutionaries. Such are we as we reach. As we reach with kindreds in our movement. You leave your everyday persona to explore your potential poetic self while investigating how we can evoke and activate the senses to deepen the learning experience. We work interventionist as we intervene into everyday life contexts using art to argue the need for the aesthetic dimension to be an integrated part of eve ryday life – Not as something exclusive and autonomous. We transcend. We penetrate. With you.
SPACE CHANGING The changing of space is crucial. We immerse in spaces that allow us to navigate differently in the world. Like bodies swallowed by the sea will move dissimilar from upright legs walking the ground beneath our feet. Instinctively this body will adjust to the fluidity of the water. Try to survive. Take in breath. When we change space we liberate new potential. Instinctual.
SPACE CHANGE IMPACT Working with the idea of a sensuous society is working with a radical premise that changes the DNA of society and thereby everything. It is what you can do when you work with immersive performance art strategies by which we change space. You set up a uni verse and within this universe a new set of rules that we must all play by apply. The body immerses in this uni verse and eventual the tactic knowledge will manifest in the flesh and the ‘players’ or the participants of the universe might eventual act in this new way naturally. Instinctual.
NO UTOPIA REVISITED Sensuous Society is no utopia. There will most probably be winners and looser here as well. Who is going to lead – The most beautiful? The ones in touch with their senses? What will the trading system be? Something that allow you to be even more sensuous? Maybe when we are through a sensuous society we can begin to approach a more balanced state of being, that draw on all the previous states of society and truly connects heart, mind, body and spirit and creates sustainable trading systems between all members of society. Maybe we can go there already? We can ask these questions through immer sive and intervening performance art practices in every day life contexts, as sites of experiments where we explore how to create a stage for the release of creative, expressive, poetic and sensuous energy as first steps to ward a more balanced and engaging world. Everyone becomes co-makers toward the new.
We will do this
MOVEMENT When you have a cause and create a vibration centered in a universe and manifested in events that in spire others, the world will move in an assured and de sired direction.
Sisters Hope
Charlottegårdsvej 1A
2640 Hedehusene
+45 2624 7734
Sisters Hope støttes af:
Statens Kunstfond (aftale)
Nordisk Kulturfond
Høje-Taastrup Kommune