
The first reaction will always be emotional. All of a sudden I heard myself stating this obvious truth. Regarding what happens in an individual och a group whenever a new situation, change etc. occurs. Such situations where we often are told or feel the need to ”be rational about it”. It is unfair to an extreme to demand a person who suffer from an emotional response to try to ignore that very fact, but so we are often taught. By parents, in the school, at work.

A crystal clear truth for an Academy as the Sisters to explore, try to find ways to work with, teach.

One of many areas in our lives where we should have been given much better tools from an early age, to be able to cope with some very fundamental truths regarding what it mean to exist. To feel, to be emotionally challenged.

Behind the Gaze I constantly reflect, analyzes, creates fiction and facts. I´ve seen so many things of late that makes me worried. How I can feel our society grows colder, harder and less empathic. Why? I´ve begun to think about it all as a cultural decline in our capability to be empathic with others. The other.

Our society lacks empathic skill. And I fear it´ll get worse still.

Morals, ethics, empathy – things we take for granted. With age we become morally aware etc. I firmly Believe we need to learn these things. From our parents, families, friends, from a caring, empathic society. Or we become blind. Our Gaze empty and unreflecting.

Thus reflecting behind the Gaze.

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