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Visiting teacher/researcher/artist, Sisters Academy #6 - The Boarding School, Den Frie, København, Denmark

A year has passed since the academy manifested in Copenhagen. Some of us are still here. Are you? The shadows fall differently in the autumn, as the sweet tast of summer takes leave. This is an invitation to gather, briefly, yet without haste. To mark the coming of the darkness…

May women who cut people heads off who live freely whose fingers are stinky who wipe on their dresses their bloody nails be cursed Ambre.

The Crack is moving further. Listen to the silent noise – like a creaking iceberg just before calving. It is time to investigate the intersection between light and darkness – the land of sorrows, frustrations, death and relief – the place where seeking, touch and sensations is your compass into…

Hello Are you there? This is what I, this individual, back to being that – walking and talking in the world outside – would like to tell you. Do you want to listen? Because I will tell you anyway. I would like to say that I would like to tell…

Time is the circle. Moving forward, looking for the answers. Maybe yes, maybe no. The print will tell you a story, an act something else. Water floats everywhere and Water Lily dreams of you.

Packing my bag for the Sisters Academy manifestation at Den Frie, I am reminded of my first visit to the Academy in Malmö a couple of years ago. Then it was packing for the unknown, this time it is like packing for a known unknown… I have different questions and…

her spirit is worked in to the clay that will help the body to be grounded and stay stabil on the earth….the clay can calm the nervsystem and help the mind to set down and accept the situation as it is. what happens when you start a repetetiv work with…

© Still from video by Salig ( Courtesy of Studio la Cour ( I’m an artist in residency and my practice is for mystical explorers seeking a deeper experience of life. Close your eyes. Feel the wind. Open your mouth. Taste the air. Let a light shine bright from your…

We shape our self to fit this world and by the world are shaped again. The visible and the invisible working together in common cause, to produce the miraculous. I am thinking of the way the intangible air passed at speed round a shaped wing easily holds our weight. So…