I am sceptical of the school system in a profound way. And it’s not just that it is a breeding ground for mobbing combined with adults inadequacy seeing it or dealing with it. It’s also because the principle of the system is viewing knowledge as something gained by repeating what others said before that is inherently conservative. To deal with this built-in problem the pupils must learn to question what they learn, but again, the critical way of thinking that the school system endorse is to think in a highly abstract theoretical mode that must be like someone has been critical before. So even the critique has to be schooled to be considered as valuable. To think alternatively is by necessity a disadvantage. This is locking minds and individuals in thinking that no answers can be found in themselves. The answers is by principle somewhere above, or at the end of the book, in the ”solution chapter”. The system is also body-hostile, teaching the child to sit still for hours, and then at a certain time, to move, freely. It’s forcing the human being under clock-time. It is killing many kinds of local knowledge. And it’s doing all of this and constantly telling us how good and civilized and progressive it is.
Apart from this it’s also, in it’s core, a system that sort people out from very narrow ideas of what is a qualitative set-up of talents and the ones that have these specific qualities are getting the smiles, the good grades, the ”godkänd”/”approved” and are invited to what is considered the status path in society, while the others despair because of their not-being-any-good. They get a bad stamp. I think there is a word for this kind of system and it starts with f.
So now, The Sisters Academy, are supposed to make that shit better! I am sceptical of that too.
But then, I liked this academy. I hope it thrives, but let it not be a new system!
Keep up the good spirit and don’t you be effective!
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