The joy of sensing and playing
(Thank you for making this grand vision come to life)
The importance of light
(Thank you for the garden)
The comfort of a clean towel
and the warmth of deep conversations, a cup of coffee and a fire
(Thank you dear Gardener and Spreading Fire)
(and a warm thank you to Timer and Flow)
The Housekeeper
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We found a book in the libary, and at the first page that opened we red “My mother would sit out in the sun and repair a tapestry or a petit point. She really loved it. This sense of reparation is very deep within me.
° ° . An Alluviation of words ° unspoken ° ° I rive you . . if you let me ° ° and compose the sound of decay ° ° ° so you ° can spring . . . . . . TIMER