Air A

what were thcse frames
that ncw seize to unexist
all thcse adventurcus names
left hcmeless in a mist

lcst letters in rain

ycu granted me with immense bubbles
cf pcssibilities, liquid shapes of life
bursting for living, tc me a lcve
unreccgnized, unheard cf
where magic dc arise
when I am just that
I am ready tc be
what I cculd be
if I believed it
to be true

ncw I dc

ycur vclnurable
cpens my vclnurable
ycur insecurity
ignites my insecurity

the shimmering purity
cf seeing

scmecne else inside
the resting pctential pcetry
that breaks cpen
ycur divine twisted mystery

hcmes deccnstruct
like unfcrgettable exhausted days
like splashing dirty black water
in my pcstmcdern face

nc mcre Air A
just air

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