“ I want to thank everyone who came to my funeral (…)“
stop for a moment, press play, take three breaths and look around.
Come back. continue being a witness…
Her office was already dark when I stepped inside.
Dimmed lights, I mean, suede turquiose pillows, soft carpet that makes one wanna live and love.
She then lied down on this black carpet.
With my hands, I prepared her body … for transition.
I lit the candle.
Her candle and Her golden nail behind her head crown.
I covered her all, her face last.
I let her be where I was not, her Time was ticking different than mine.
After Time, I uncovered her slowly
… so she could, so alive, take a distance to herself.
She was standing there, looking at Her from that Time some whiles ago when she was lying fully covered, her candle burning.
Then she spoke.
” I want to thank everyone who came to my funeral (…) “
I listened, I witnessed.
Then when She finished the speech, I took three breaths and started to write what I had heard.

Sister’s symbolic Testament donated to Sisters Hope Home Archive on 23 November 2021 by Iwona Rejmus
as part of her art project
Life ~ Death ~ Testament
wherever you are, stop and press play, close your eyes and then close this page
…when you feel it’s time
* sound that accompanied Her is ‘Bonsoir mon amour’ by Dalida
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