Six European partners work together on the central question: How can a sensory approach and an artistic attitude contribute to an education that leads to a more connected and sustainable world? Through artistic interventions and workshops, we want to demonstrate that this approach can and should become the heart of all education.
Adopting a sensuous and artistic attitude is joyous and rewarding for everyone involved. It has a profound and lasting impact on the individual level. Moreover, it is conducive for deep learning and can align with the regular school curriculum.
SenseSquared will demonstrate that this new approach:
- isn’t difficult to understand and apply,
- can gradually be integrated into the existing school system and the actual curriculum,
- has a profound positive impact on children-teachers interaction,
- deeply and intuitively connects with the humanity of teachers and children,
- contributes substantially to the intrinsic motivation and joy of learning.
SenseSquared proposes a hands-on approach from the very start, with exercises, contexts, tools and kits that are very easy to pick up, and immediately challenge the existing formats.
SenseSquared is a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE), Companhia de Música Teatral (PT), Marres, House for Contemporary Culture (NL), Sisters Hope (DK), Stavanger University (NO) and Maastricht University (NL).