Sisters Academy #1 at HF & VUC, FYN, FLOW

24.02.14 — 07.03.14

The first ever manifestation of Sisters Academy was at and in collaboration with HF & VUC, FYN, FLOW, in Odense (DK). In this pioneer-manifestation we initiated the Takeover-format.

For full credit list for Sisters Academy #1, Denmark see here.

Se more film from the process:
Trailer for the documentary above.
Extract from documentary during the takeover: 123
Morning Gathering at Sisters Academy


HF & VUC, FYN, FLOW, Odense (DK)
Rugårdsvej 9, 5000 Odense
24.2 – 7.3.  2014

Open House 28. February 2014 at 7.30 – 16.00. Download invitation på danskin english.
‪Press release‬: Kunstgruppe overtager ledelse på gymnasieskoleIn english

Projectplan as pdf.

Blog posts by teachers and students.

Website of the school – page for Sisters Academy.

Facebook page of the school.