We will talk about our vision on the potential future world – Sensuous society – today at Ungdommens Folkemode (UFM16). Here within facilitate our Poetic Self exercise as one means to democratize the aesthetic.
See full program here.
Also see video from the event here.
We are currently teaching and unfolding our sensuous performative methods at the progressive University of Adger. The strong interest is the intersection of art, education and research, so this collaborative place is spot on.
We were invited to present our work and methods at OpenOpus, Scenekunstskolen, The Danish National School of Performing Arts. Our methods take its outset in The Poetic Self, which expands into space through an immersive set-design strategy, from where an interactivity design is applied – How we relate to the other. Our method is strongly linked to the activist intention to democratize the aesthetic and our curiosity to explore the potential of the intersection between different disciplines – Art (and here within all the different aesthetic disciplines), Activism, Research and Pedagogy. Together we shall move…
We will be teaching our sensuous methods at Ryslinge Højskole this spring.
We presented at Malmö Academy of Musicto inspire and be inspired as part of their great ‘The School I’d liked’ project’. We appreciate the invitation!