Sisters News #4: Sisters documentary

We will Take over the leadership of the Swedish upper secondary school Nova Academy in Simrishamn in less than a week!/Intro by The Sister / Sisters Documentary / Sisters Academy #3 – The Takeover Read it.

The Takeover

We will take over the leadership of a Swedish school in less than a month! From 29.2.2016 – 11.3.2016 Nova Academy in Simrishamn will be under the leadership of The Sister and her enchanting staff when we explore what the school in a Sensuous society would be in a real Swedish school…

Sisters Academy at TEDx

Gry Worre Hallberg was invited to do a TEDx Talk on Sisters Academy at TEDxUppsalaUniversity in November, and it has now been released. Watch it here.

Sisters Hope awarded with Udstillingsprisen Vision 2016

Bikubenfonden and a unanimous jury have awarded Sisters Hope and Den Frie Udstillingsbygning with Udstillingsprisen Vision 2016. Sisters Academy – The Boarding School will manifest at Den Frie in Copenhagen in 2017. Follow the progress here.

Sisters at Ungdomsbureaet – Thoughts on Time

Sisters Hope presented our thoughts and reflections about time in the world of Sisters Academy the very inspiring Ungdomsburauet – Youth Bureau. TANKER OM TID En fredagssalon med samtale og perspektiver på opfattelse og praktisering af tid. Fredag den 22. januar 2016, klokken 15-17 Hos Ungdomsbureauet, Gothersgade 156 kld., 1123…

Sisters Hope at Arken

Sisters Hope are happy to have been invited to present Sisters Academy at the art educational seminar The Edge at Arken in collaboration with Multivers – Exploring new art educational processes on the edge of the possible. We’ll be among prominent speakers, givers and makers within the field and look much forward to a day of…

Sisters News #2: Sisters New Year

Happy new years. Hope you feel, snailed, flew, crawled well into it! Intro by The Sister / Part 2: Sisters Academy – The Takeover / Sisters Academy #1, Denmark / Sisters Academy #3, Sweden – Part 1: Sisters Academy – The boarding School / Sisters Academy at TEDx / Art…

Sisters Academy – The Boarding School film

We continue to be filled with gratitude and amazement over the depths we reached collectively in the course of the large-scale manifestation Sisters Academy – The Boarding School. The many participatory layers led to unforseen beauty, challenges and potential, and we were faced with paradoxes and intense aestetic processes as…

Sisters Academy and Nova Academy

The School for the Swedish Takeover is now official! We will take over the leadership of Nova Academy in Simrishamn in week 9 and 10 2016! Openhouse on 29.2. Come by! Much excited to continue our explorations! PRESS RELEASE: GYMNASIESKOLA PÅ ÖSTERLEN TAS ÖVER AV SINNLIGT PERFORMANCEPROJEKT Article in Sydsvenskan 12/11 2015:…

U-Turn. TEDxUU 2015, Uppsala University, Sweden

Gry Worre Hallberg was invited to be a speakers of TEDxUU 2015, Uppsala University, Sweden. Theme: U-Turn. Date: November 21th 2015 U-turn The Idea U-Turn: an enigma, a complete change of plans, ideas, policies or directions. In the course of everyone’s life, there is a turning point. It could be for…

Sisters News # 1: Sisters fall

Content: Fall is upon us and we have gone into it so full… Intro by The Sister / Extract from Sensuous society Manifesto / Sisters Academy #3, Sweden / Sisters Academy #2, Greenland / Sisters Academy #1, Denmark / Sisters Hope at SPOR festival, Aarhus. Sisters in Glass / Sisters Hope was invited to manifest in the…