We are really exited to open for participation at Sisters Hope Home in 2024.

In February we present the condensed format Inhabitation Life where Sisters Hope Home will be at full capacity. Throughout the year we are facilitating Flowing Inhabitations each month. Also we are offering the special Partout Inhabitation where you will be able to visit and revisit Sisters Hope Home on a monthly basis over the course of a half or a full year. Lastly it is possible to respond to our Open Call for visiting inhabitants, artists and researchers who we invite to unfold their professional practice within the framework of Sisters Hope Home.

Tickets for Inhabitation Life here
Tickets for Flowing Inhabitation here
Tickets for Partout Inhabitation here
Open call for Visiting Inhabitants here

More information on each participatory format is unfolded below.

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With the partout access we aspire to move deeper into the explorations of how we can truly inhabit the sensuous and poetic both within the framed immersive space of Sisters Hope Home but also the practices of integration into everyday life. The Sisters staff will give you sensuous home assignments to perform in-between your stays at Sisters Hope Home. At your first stay you will be provided with a notebook which you will keep for the entire duration of the programme before you donate it to The Archive at the end of your last stay.

There will be two timelines available with the following dates:
Moon (half year): 16.2, 29.3, 26.4, 31.5, 28.6, 26.7
Sun (full year): 17.2, 30.3, 27.4, 01.5, 29.6, 27.7, 24.8, 28.9, 26.10, 30.11

Tickets for Partout Inhabitation Moon here
Tickets for Partout Inhabitation Sun here

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Live inside a poetic artwork for 24 hours! At your arrival at Sisters Hope Home, you will be greeted by a Sisters Staff who will introduce you into the ways of the Home. After the initiation the space is open and available for your explorations, and for what you and your co-inhabitants bring into the shared space. You will cook, eat, sleep, and live together – but the path of each individual inhabitant is not predetermined. You will be able to move about in the space without fixed objectives. You might want to immerse yourself in contemplation. You might want to engage in deep conversation with the other inhabitants. Or you might want to join a performative ritual performed by the Sisters Staff or offer one yourself. Throughout your stay the Sisters Staff will be present to help and guide you on your journey.

Tickets for Inhabitation Life here (February 2nd – 18th)
Tickets for Flowing Inhabitation here

Please be mindful that Flowing Inhabitation is not facilitated as strongly as our other performative formats. This format is instead a chance for you to visit or to revisit the Sensuous Society in a more open and explorative manner.

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What is the quality of the sensuous and how can it be explored? How can we truly inhabit the poetic and bring it into our daily lives? How can we develop new modes of being and being together? How can we inhabit art more permanently? What would a future society look like from the premises of the sensuous and poetic? And not at least – How can we inhabit it?

These are some of the questions to potentially be explore if you respond to this call as a visiting inhabitant/researcher/artist/teacher/activist at Sisters Hope Home. You will inhabit Sisters Hope Home during our format Inhabitation Life or Flowing Inhabitation where you will engage with the present inhabitants and Sisters staff for a 4-day period.

Please see the full open call here
Deadline: December 1st

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