Manifesting Sisters deep, Litteraturhistorie i praksis


In Sisters deep we were invited to intervene with and unfold our universe in the intersection of educational development, research, activism and performance art by the network of history of new literature. We created a sensuous and poetic space to inspire a dialogue on how performance art turns words of poetry and text into image and flesh and we collected dreams for the future of literature in education, as this was truly the burning question of the day, for our ever blossoming Archive (once to be published by our own publishing company The Archive – so we dream…).

We manifested in the dark and gloomy cellar. The underworld of the University. By the drains. The hidden infrastructure – within and without. #sistershope #literaturefestival #universityofcopenhagen #thesister #thegardener #the cousin #thei #theevoker #thehands


The Sister – Gry Worre Hallberg

The Gardener – Bo Eggert Dahl

The Cousin – Julie Johansen

The Evoker – Andreas Dres Sølvhøj

Performance and documentation:

The I – Diana Lindhardt


The Hands – Rhoda Ting and Sonja Nordstrøm


The Ear – Ulf Rathjen Kring Handen