I met perfection at the top of the tallest tower you can imagine
of solid black rocks
heard the voice from my bed of white feathers
mesmerized by her song
walking the air stone stone stone steps
to the very top of the tower
there I found perfection
the most beautiful siren
with black velvet wings and a black surface on her face
she sang to me
– here I am, here I am
waiting to hold you –
but as I reached to hold her
she spread her wings and jumped
floating towards a lonely horizon
beyond the sleeping ocean
perfection stayed with me
as the tall black tower embraced me
enveloped my trembling body
with its entire massive weight
so perfection became my heavy skin
to protect me from your eyes and touch
but longing so to hear again
if I could listen through walls of perfection
to the voice of the beautiful siren
from the top of the tallest pile you can imagine
of warm human bodies
bl oo m
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