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We will be teaching our sensuous methods at Ryslinge Højskole this spring.

We will be presenting our work, sensuous and arts-based methods and our take on sensuous learning at sensuous-learning-symposium, Liverpool, UK.

Sisters Hope will workshop at VKR – Vardes kulturelle rygsæk – in the spring of 2018. VKR is an initiative for children and adolescence between the age of 5 and 16, and the intention is to introduce them to different artistic and cultural genres.

Sisters Hope will be teaching at University of Stavanger, Norway in the spring of 2018. Excited to teach and share our sensuous, performative methods.

I DO ART has compiled a publication on Sisters Academy #6 – The Boarding School! A beautiful compilation of images and memories from the academy, data from The Archive and beyond. If interested it can be pre-ordered here.

The Sister has recommended books to KBH Læser, who has the theme ‘Manifest’ in 2018. See the recommendations here.

Students from Johan Borup’s Højskole interviewed Gry Worre Hallberg for their blog My Own Boss. Read the interview here.

Sisters Hope presented at SMK’s seminar ‘Performance in Institutions and Institutional Performances‘ alongside Kirsten Delholm (Hotel Pro Forma), Janus Høm (Tove’s), Ellen Friis (Live-Art), Jørgen Callesen (Warehouse 9) and Olof Olsson. See the full programme here.

Sisters Hope will present at NPU, Norway. See more here.

Sisters Hope presented and did the Poetic Self exercise at a Rapolitics seminar on art and activism. Rapolitics is a non-profit organ­i­sa­tion who pro­mote youth empow­erment through a cre­ative and con­struc­tive focus on urban artis­tic expres­sions, rap­tivism, dialogue & demo­c­ra­tic awareness-raising. Their vision is to empower youth to express them­selves & take action. Read…